Where Can You Install A Split System Air Conditioner?

Residential Split System Installations
Residential split system installations offer multiple opportunities when it comes to finding a solution to meet your needs. The flexibility of where you can positioning the indoor and the outdoor unit is what gives us so many options. That’s because with residential homes there are external walls in almost all rooms of the house which allows us to take the services straight outside to the outdoor unit.
If you live in a house and you’re looking for a split system air conditioning installation, the answers is almost always yes!
Contact us today on 1300 1 READY.
Apartment Split System Installation
When it comes to an apartment split system installation it becomes a little more complex because there’s simply fewer options available to place the outdoor unit. The only option is on the balcony. So in most cases we install the outdoor unit in the corner of the balcony out of the way.
When it comes to the indoor, we usually place it on an adjacent wall to the balcony and in a location that maximises air flow to the living room. Living rooms are the most common placement for the indoor unit because it’s where you spend the most time and entertain guest. The second most common place is the master bedroom so it makes hot summer nights more bearable.
Or if you want to “kill two birds with one stone” and install a split system in both the living and master, check out our multi head split system installations. A multi split system allows you two have two head units working off of one outdoor unit which therefore saves space on your balcony.
Apartment Split System Head Unit Placement
In the two split system installations below we positioned the indoor head units further into the main living area so that they were across from the bedroom entrance. To do this we used used Smartduct internal trunking to conceal the services.
Although the internal trunking doesn’t have the best visual appeal, this solution allows for some airflow into the bedrooms without the additional expense of a second head unit.
Strata Compliance for Split System Installations
When it comes to complying with strata regulations we know what to do because we have been through the process many times.
Each strata committee process is different but they all generally want to know the same thing – what is it going to look like? What impact is it going to have on your neighbours? And; will it be discreet and blend in?
Once you fill out the forms and we answer the questions of the Strata committee you will be approved. We will provide you with a detailed explanation of the split system installation and detailed images when required.